Sunday Reflection

Sunday Reflection

92 Keys, Falcon 9, Drawing by Ryan Joseph. Happy Sunday!

92 keys

Since I bought a new mechanical keyboard last week I have been ecstatic about it. I have chosen cheap Rapoo VPRO V500 with black switches. I opted for tenkeyless layout to save some space. I am used to use number row, the missing number pad is not an issue for me. There actually weren’t many options since I dislike rainbow backlight and gaming appearance.

Once the keyboard arrived I have realized it was a high time to hone my touch typing skills. I sifted through many training apps and eventually came across the TypingClub. Their typing course has visually pleasing UI with funny little typing games. I have been practicing the touch typing there for three evenings and it has helped me a lot.

Together for Falcon 9

Yesterday’s Falcon manned launch was an unforgettable moment not only due to that achievement itself. An whole family, three generations (and two dachshunds) were watching the launch together - finally reunited after two months of separation caused by the COVID quarantine. It was a heartwarming moment.

Drawing by Ryan Joseph

I am honoured by this drawing of me by Ryan Joseph. You may have not heard of him yet, since his craft is mainly in the realms of code. Luckily for you, his drawing bot is ready to convert your Twitter avatar into the finest art.
